WORDPRESS uses categories as navigation bar

For most friends, browsing a website starts with the navigation, usually by looking at the content of the categories they are interested in. However, Wordpress did not put article categories in the navigation at the beginning, and the method of binding paging and categories is also It’s more complicated. Here’s a simple custom navigation method:
Open the wordpress theme, look for the header.php file, open it with Notepad or the like, look for a div with id=tabs or search for “wp_list_pages”, the code is as follows

WordPress emoticon plugin: Custom Smilies

In fact, WordPress already comes with some emoticons. They exist in the wp-includes/images/smilies folder, but they are "hidden" by default. Next we will use the Custom Smilies plug-in to "turn on" the emoticon function.
Plug-in download address: Click to download
First, go to the above address to download the Custom Smilies plug-in, upload it, and enable it.

wordpress hide title and subtitle

After studying for a long time, I suddenly felt that my page header was not beautiful enough and had too much white space. Later, after searching, I found that I could hide the title and subtitle by changing the CSS file.
First download the style.css file of my theme, open it for editing, and make the following changes:

h1 {display:none; font-size: 230%; color: blue;…….

Added the code display:none;, this is the hidden code.
Then I changed the size of the header image, and I will see if someone can help me make a logo during the day, hehe.

WordPress theme inove modification—swapped left and right sidebars

1. First, you need to modify the css file. Open the style.css file in the theme directory and make the following modifications:
<1>. Put
#main {
background:#FFF url (img/main_shadow.gif) top repeat-x;
padding:13px 15px 15px;
float: left;
Modify to:
#main {
background:#FFF url(img/main_shadow.gif) top repeat-x;
padding:13px 15px 15px;
float: right;
#sidebar {
background:#F7F7F7 url(img/sidebar_shadow.gif) top repeat-x;
float: right;
Modify to:

wordpress plugin: add google +1 button to blog

Some children left a message asking, how does Hao VPS get the +1 button for each article? Today Hao VPS will tell you about this google+1. A good VPS is a typical lazy person. This button on the blog is implemented using a plug-in. Of course, you can also modify the code, but it is convenient without a plug-in.

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