For most friends, browsing a website starts with the navigation, usually by looking at the content of the categories they are interested in. However, Wordpress did not put article categories in the navigation at the beginning, and the method of binding paging and categories is also It’s more complicated. Here’s a simple custom navigation method:
Open the wordpress theme, look for the header.php file, open it with Notepad or the like, look for a div with id=tabs or search for “wp_list_pages”, the code is as follows
Modify wp_list_pages to wp_list_categories to add article categories to the navigation bar.
[Latest tip] This is the setting for the old version of WordPress. The latest version can already set menu items directly in the background to achieve this function.
For the latest version of WordPress, please log in to the backend, click Appearance on the left, then select Menu, then add a custom menu, and finally, set the main navigation bar to this custom menu.
As for the content in the custom menu, you can select it on the left and add it!

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