In fact, WordPress already comes with some emoticons. They exist in the wp-includes/images/smilies folder, but they are "hidden" by default. Next we will use the Custom Smilies plug-in to "turn on" the emoticon function.
Plug-in download address: Click to download
First, go to the above address to download the Custom Smilies plug-in, upload it, and enable it.
Then there will be an "Emoji" option in "Settings". If you want to use the default emoticon, then you don't need to modify anything, the default settings will be fine; if you want to add a new emoticon, this article will There is an introduction.
Want to insert emoticons into your blog?
In fact, when you enable the plug-in, when editing a log, the editor has built-in emoticon options by default.
Want to insert emoticons into your messages?
Edit the topic and find the comments (comments.php) page and find

<textarea name=”comment” id=”comment”

This line, add the following code above or below it

<?php if ( function_exists(cs_print_smilies) ) {cs_print_smilies();} ?>

In this way, when you browse the blog again, the emoticon options will appear next to the message box.
Want to add a new emoticon?
Open the custom-smilies.php file, as shown in the picture below. Just add a new emoticon in the area marked in red. The left is the shortcut key, and the right is the emoticon file address. Just add it according to the comparison. Finally Don’t forget to upload the new emoticon files to the wp-includes/images/smilies folder.

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