Burst’s latest December discount code: $5.35/month OVZ-512MB/20GB/1TB five data centers

As the end of the year approaches, various bankruptcies are making people anxious. Choosing a reliable and big-name host company has become a top priority. Burst is nicknamed 84. It is a long-established host provider in the United States and one of the 500 fastest growing companies. It has its own computer room and multiple regional data centers. The risk of running away is close to zero, safe and reliable.

[Server]Burst: $1/first month-Q6600/8GB/1TB/5TB/5IPs Los Angeles

To be honest, Burst has been experiencing poor network conditions in China recently. Before writing this article, I also tried the previous test IP. In one word: miserable! But do you need to practice? It's not a VPS, it's a dedicated server. The first month is US$1, so it's suitable for practicing.

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