Burst.NET is a well-established foreign hosting provider and one of the top 500 fastest growing companies in the United States. It is very powerful. According to the homophony of this domain name, we also call it 84VPS. Provides VPS and independent servers, etc. The data centers include Los Angeles, Scranton, Chicago, Miami and the United Kingdom, etc. Among them, the ones that are more popular among Chinese people include Los Angeles and Scranton. Domestic The access speed is good. In September, 84VPS launched a lifetime 10% off discount code, but I always forgot to share it. Fortunately, this time the discount code is valid until November 30th, which is 2 months away.

This 84 discount code supports the linux and windows system packages of Burst. OpenVZ for a linux system is only $5.35 per month after discount ( Original price $5.95/month)

CPU: 1000 MHz
Memory: 512MB
Hard disk: 20GB
Monthly traffic: 1000GB
1 IP/vePortal

Coupon Code: FALL10
Test IP:
Scranton -
Los Angeles -
Miami - 2607:F878/4:2:F:::1
Manchester, UK -
【Official Website】www.burst.net
Click to go to burst official website→
The above 84 discount code is a lifetime discount, in addition to supporting all linux (Including OpenVZ and XEN) and windows system products, among which the minimum monthly fee for windows system is only US$7.16 (512MB memory, 30GB hard drive, 1TB monthly traffic), and the annual payment only costs 10 months. Burst is a corporate-operated VPS hosting provider. The risk of running away is basically zero. Friends who purchase it, please remember to use the 84 discount code.

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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