The news about Burst launching XEN architecture VPS has been available since last year, but it has not been available on the official website. On the 25th of this month, I saw the news on Twitter that Burst released the XEN architecture VPS. I just went to the official website order page and found the order link. This time it is actually available.
Burst (commonly known as 84VPS) The bpt7>Los Angeles, Scranton, Miami, UK, Chicago, etc.), the lowest configuration starts at US$7.95 per month.
CPU: 1 GHz
Memory: 512MB
SWAP: Customized
Hard drive: 20GB
Monthly traffic: 1000GB
2 IPs/SolusVM
Go to the 84 official website to order→
84VPS is a Fortune 500 Internet company in the United States. It builds its own computer rooms and manages thousands of servers. Its strength is unquestionable, and there is a risk of running away. Almost equal to zero. At present, Good VPS has not purchased XEN architecture products for testing, and we look forward to enthusiastic netizens sharing the data. In addition, I just tried it and the previous 20% off discount code cannot be used on XEN.