As the end of the year approaches, various bankruptcies are making people anxious. Choosing a reliable and big-name host company has become a top priority. Burst is nicknamed 84. It is a long-established host provider in the United States and one of the 500 fastest growing companies. It has its own computer room and multiple regional data centers. The risk of running away is close to zero, safe and reliable. Burst provides products such as VPS and independent servers. VPS includes OpenVZ and XEN architecture, and both Linux and Windows operating systems are available. Data centers include Los Angeles, Scranton, Dallas, and Chicago. and Miami et al. The last lifetime 10% off discount code has expired on November 30. Currently, the official discount code has been released for December, which is still a lifetime 10% off.

The 84 discount code launched this time is applicable to all Burst products (including all packages of VPS and servers). We will take an OpenVZ with the minimum configuration as an example to illustrate .

CPU: 1000 MHz
Memory: 512MB
Hard disk: 20GB
Monthly traffic: 1000GB
1 IP/vePortal

Coupon Code: YEAREND10 (valid until December 30)
Test IP:
Scranton -
Los Angeles-
Miami - 2607:F878/4:2:F:::1
Manchester, UK - :: 3
Click to go to the 84 official website→
Please note that this discount code can be used even for dedicated servers. Friends who want to buy a dedicated server can also check out 84's products and prices. It’s not high. According to many friends who own his server, it’s pretty good. After all, it’s not a VPS. The resources are all yours, regardless of overselling issues. In addition, this is a lifetime discount, the renewal price is the same, and the annual payment is more cost-effective (10 months fee). If you use it for a long time, you can consider it. After all, the risk of this product running away is very low. I would never dare to say this about other companies.

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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