VPS Beginner Tutorial ①: VPS Ordering (WHMCS System)

Due to the WHMCS system upgrade, there are some detailed changes in ordering compared to before, but the overall situation remains the same. In order for readers, especially novice friends, to process orders more intuitively and avoid detours, we decided to update some articles of the novice tutorial. , which is help with the VPS ordering process, taking the WHMCS financial system as an example.

VPS Beginner Tutorial ①: VPS Ordering (WHMCS System)

Due to the WHMCS system upgrade, there are some detailed changes in ordering compared to before, but the overall situation remains the same. In order for readers, especially novice friends, to process orders more intuitively and avoid detours, we decided to update some articles of the novice tutorial. , which is help with the VPS ordering process, taking the WHMCS financial system as an example.

VPS Beginner Tutorial ①: VPS Ordering (WHMCS System)

Due to the WHMCS system upgrade, there are some detailed changes in ordering compared to before, but the overall situation remains the same. In order for readers, especially novice friends, to process orders more intuitively and avoid detours, we decided to update some articles of the novice tutorial. , which is help with the VPS ordering process, taking the WHMCS financial system as an example.

Issues with renewal prices when purchasing overseas VPS

Readers often leave messages on the blog asking about renewal prices. I happened to see a similar message today. In addition to replying, I wrote an article to answer it in detail. I have taught you how to check the renewal price yourself. We have divided the answer into several parts, ranging from the conventions of this blog article, how to view renewal prices in different financial systems, etc.

VPS Beginner Tutorial ⑨: Mounting an Unallocated Hard Drive in Linux

In the morning, Lao Zhang asked me: I purchased a VPS with a 15GB hard drive, but why did the probe show only 10GB? Suddenly I thought of the VPS provided by some hosting providers, the hard drive needs to be mounted by itself, such as Uno (official website), and the Jiuwang Data (official website) we just tested. It just so happens that I have a Jiuwang one on hand. Use it to test the mount.
***Preface*** This article is not a tutorial, it is just a record of an operation process based on Xiaoye's tutorial for your reference.

VPS Beginner Tutorial ⑨: Mounting an Unallocated Hard Drive in Linux

In the morning, Lao Zhang asked me: I purchased a VPS with a 15GB hard drive, but why did the probe show only 10GB? Suddenly I thought of the VPS provided by some hosting providers, the hard drive needs to be mounted by itself, such as Uno (official website), and the Jiuwang Data (official website) we just tested. It just so happens that I have a Jiuwang one on hand. Use it to test the mount.
***Preface*** This article is not a tutorial, it is just a record of an operation process based on Xiaoye's tutorial for your reference.

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