Linode 13th anniversary free double memory upgrade plan

After writing this title, I poured cold water on it first to avoid getting too excited. According to Linode's 13th anniversary blog post, the current double memory upgrade is only the KVM package. The old XEN architecture should be upgraded to KVM<ept2 first.

ConoHa: 44.5 yuan/month KVM-1GB/50GB/1000GB Japan is a site under GMO. In February this year, it once offered a free Japanese yen activity for registration, which is equivalent to a free month of VPS. The blog also shared it at the time. After that, the company developed a Chinese interface and added Alipay payment support (it also supports PayPal and credit cards), making it ready to accept a large number of Chinese customers.

Linode JP1 will withdraw notice

Linode is a foreign VPS service provider with a good reputation. The host is based on the KVM architecture and supports hourly billing. The data centers include Tokyo, Singapore, Fremont, Atlanta, Dallas, and London, UK, Frankfurt, Germany, etc. Among them, Tokyo, Japan has been coexisting with JP1 and JP2 for a long time. Since Linode launched JP2 in 2016, newly opened Japan has been in JP2.

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