LOCVPS: 68 yuan/month XEN-2GB/40GB/8M unlimited Japan

LOCVPS is an old Chinese VPS service provider. The host provider provides products based on XEN architecture. It also has HostXEN and HostKVM. Different architecture fields involve data centers including Hong Kong, Japan, MC in Los Angeles, and C3 in Los Angeles.

Linode 13th anniversary free double memory upgrade plan

After writing this title, I poured cold water on it first to avoid getting too excited. According to Linode's 13th anniversary blog post, the current double memory upgrade is only the KVM package. The old XEN architecture should be upgraded to KVM<ept2 first.

Summary of Vultr’s recent effective recharge gift activities

There are not many VPS promotions from various merchants recently. The only relatively reliable VPS hosting providers we commonly use are those. Vultr, which was established in 2014, should be counted as one of them. Generally speaking, Generally speaking, its advantages include: 1.

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