smartvps is a VPS brand launched by Japan's DTI Company (a subsidiary of Freebit Co., Ltd.). The news about smartvps providing free VPS is not new. The news is because smartvps has launched this free VPS plan in November 2011, but at that time I forgot to share it because there were so many things about good VPS. I remembered it today and went to check it out and found that I could still apply, so I Share it here.
Although it is a Japanese company, smartvps specially uses the cn domain name and Chinese interface, so the application is relatively simple. Currently, smartvps provides users with a free 2-month trial VPS. In addition, by filling out a simple survey on the official homepage, you can get an additional one-month free period. Therefore, a total of 3 months of free trial is available. The official provides a variety of packages for users to try. However, good VPS has always been kind-hearted and usually chooses the lowest configuration to apply... Below, the lowest price package configuration is posted.

CPU: 1 cores
Memory: 256MB
Burst memory: 1GB
Hard disk: 10 GB
Monthly traffic: Unlimited
1 Ipv4+1 IPv6

Renewal price: 490 yen≈RMB40
[Application address]
It should be noted that smartvps only supports credit card payment, so it is free VPS also requires filling in credit card information,'s pretty easy. In fact, the price of about 40 yuan is quite good for a Japanese VPS , which is why I am sharing it after so long. I also got a good VPS and will post simple test information later. Judging from the ping value alone, the Japanese ping value of smartvps is higher than that of and linode. There is occasional packet loss but it is not serious.

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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