ConoHa VPS host installation Windows system (transfer)

I have tried several ConoHa VPS ways to install Windows systems, and I feel that visual installation using tools is the easiest and most suitable way for novices like VPS to install, so I reprint it here. The tools and installation methods involved in this article are all from Lao Zuo's blog. The article uses this tool to verify the installation process. I opened three new VPS test installations and all were completed normally. Original address:

ConoHa: 44.5 yuan/month KVM-1GB/50GB/1000GB Japan is a site under GMO. In February this year, it once offered a free Japanese yen activity for registration, which is equivalent to a free month of VPS. The blog also shared it at the time. After that, the company developed a Chinese interface and added Alipay payment support (it also supports PayPal and credit cards), making it ready to accept a large number of Chinese customers.

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