80VPS: 70 yuan XEN-1024MB/60GB/2TB Chicago

80VPS is a Chinese VPS host provider that provides VPS based on the XEN architecture Xensystem system. The independent platform was established in early 2012. It previously sold VPS products on Taobao platform and accumulated rich product experience and users word of mouth.

HostXen free memory in the second region of the United States/immediate discount on renewal in other regions

This month HostXen is replenished in the second region of the United States. At the same time, merchants’ free memory activity continues. Any package will receive 2G memory (submit a work order application after purchase). New users can also place orders. Get a 20 yuan voucher. The merchant also provides a discount code for the renewal of hosts in other regions, which can be used for an immediate discount of 10 yuan.

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