80VPS is a Chinese VPS host provider that provides VPS based on the XEN architecture Xensystem system. The independent platform was established in early 2012. It previously sold VPS products on Taobao platform and accumulated rich product experience and users word of mouth. Currently, the host provider has newly launched Chicago alnitech computer room, and provides a lifetime discount code of 30% off. The last discount is only 70 yuan per month for a 1GB memory XEN (original price is 100 yuan/month) .
80VPS released the Chicagoalnitech computer room with a minimum configuration of 512MB of memory, but does not support discount codes, so we list support for using discount codes for life 7 Discounted X1024 package.
CPU: 2 cores
Memory: 1024MB
Hard disk: 60GB
Monthly traffic: 2TB
1 IP/Xensystem
Discount code: ALNITECH Test IP:
Click to go to the hosting provider’s website→
Chicagoalnitech computer room is in the middle of the United States, the ping value is slightly Higher than the West Coast computer room, it also supports Linux or Windows operating systems. Currently, 80VPS has provided nearly 10 data center products in the United States and Hong Kong. Most of them are currently in stock. For example, the 256MB product in the T2 computer room in San Jose is only 50 yuan per month. The stability and speed are very good.