HostXen: 50 yuan/month XEN-4GB/35GB/8M unlimited Los Angeles

Memory seems to be getting less and less valuable. I received a promotional message from HostXen. Users in the second US region who purchase now can get an additional 2G by submitting a work order after completing the order. Memory, this event lasts until September 1st, then buying a 2G package will become 4G memory, and the monthly payment starts at 50 yuan.

Kazila: $4.5/monthXEN-1GB/25G SSD/1TB Dallas

Kazila is an old foreign hosting provider founded in 2008. However, due to data center and product pricing reasons, there are not many domestic customers. The host provider provides VPS hosts based on the XEN architecture.

HostXen: 50 yuan/month XEN-4GB/35GB/8M unlimited Los Angeles

Memory seems to be getting less and less valuable. I received a promotional message from HostXen. Users in the second US region who purchase now can get an additional 2G by submitting a work order after completing the order. Memory, this event lasts until September 1st, then buying a 2G package will become 4G memory, and the monthly payment starts at 50 yuan.

Linode: $20/monthXEN-1GB/24GB/2TB Japan

A lot of things have happened recently, and there are many messages from friends mentioning the word "high quality". As a blogger, first of all, from the perspective of personal authority, I am not qualified to brand the product as a high-quality product. Just like before, I personally defined an overseas IDC as having a risk of being criticized. This is a matter with no credibility.

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