Kazila is an old foreign hosting provider founded in 2008. However, due to data center and product pricing reasons, there are not many domestic customers. The host provider provides VPS hosts based on the XEN architecture. The data centers include Dallas and Los Angeles. Similarly, there is no special discount on the price configuration of this product, but the merchant said that the system template has added Debian 9 and Ubuntu 17.04, etc. If you like to try new things, you can pay attention.
We list the configuration information of a host based on the XEN PV architecture and located in Dallas.
CPU: 4 cores
Memory: 1GB
Hard drive: 25GB SSD
Monthly traffic: 1TB/1Gbps
Virtual architecture: XEN PV
IP/Panel: 1/SolusVM
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The products provided by Kazila are not activated immediately and are subject to manual review. Generally, if the information is false or an agent is used, it will not be activated. Readers who are in a hurry must avoid it. The domestic access speed of the machine in Dallas is acceptable, and the local ping value is quite good at about 210ms.