[Windows Series 02] Basic settings of Windows 2003 system

In the previous article, we mainly recorded the installation process of windows 2003 from different VPS management panels. Today, we will take a look at some simple settings we need to make in order to facilitate the operation in the system. Of course, the following settings may be more based on my personal usage habits, and I hope to make it more convenient. Moreover, there may be many similar settings required. Welcome to add.

[Windows Series 02] Basic settings of Windows 2003 system

In the previous article, we mainly recorded the installation process of windows 2003 from different VPS management panels. Today, we will take a look at some simple settings we need to make in order to facilitate the operation in the system. Of course, the following settings may be more based on my personal usage habits, and I hope to make it more convenient. Moreover, there may be many similar settings required. Welcome to add.

[windows series 06] windows2003 partition assistant

Regarding the VPS for Windows systems, the biggest use I have ever had is to transfer files or install the system through IPMI. The tragic 512K local uplink is really tragic. However, I pretended to write a series once in 2012. When I was bored and couldn't find anything to write about, I wanted to pick up this series again and maybe continue to record some simple things.

[windows series 06] windows2003 partition assistant

Regarding the VPS for Windows systems, the biggest use I have ever had is to transfer files or install the system through IPMI. The tragic 512K local uplink is really tragic. However, I pretended to write a series once in 2012. When I was bored and couldn't find anything to write about, I wanted to pick up this series again and maybe continue to record some simple things.

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