Common Linux commands and components: iftop traffic monitoring tool

Hao VPS has written about some commonly used commands and components of Linux before. We use the VPS of Linux system and commonly use the top command to check the resource usage, including CPU, memory and process status. However, if we want to check the real-time traffic status and TCP connection, you can use the iftop tool.

Common Linux commands and components: find

I have written several articles on commonly used Linux commands and components intermittently. Readers who often come to the VPS blog should be used to this wild and unconstrained recording method. I just record whatever comes to my mind, and I record whatever I am afraid of forgetting. Today I suddenly want to record it. Here are some simple ways to use the find command under Linux.

Common Linux commands and components: find

I have written several articles on commonly used Linux commands and components intermittently. Readers who often come to the VPS blog should be used to this wild and unconstrained recording method. I just record whatever comes to my mind, and I record whatever I am afraid of forgetting. Today I suddenly want to record it. Here are some simple ways to use the find command under Linux.

Common Linux commands and components: iftop traffic monitoring tool

Hao VPS has written about some commonly used commands and components of Linux before. We use the VPS of Linux system and commonly use the top command to check the resource usage, including CPU, memory and process status. However, if we want to check the real-time traffic status and TCP connection, you can use the iftop tool.

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