LOCVPS: 67 yuan Hong Kong XEN-1GB/30GB/2M unlimited

LOCVPS is a Chinese VPS service provider that provides VPS based on XEN and OpenVZ architecture. The data centers include Hong Kong, China, Los Angeles MC, Las Vegas, Los Angeles Peer1, San Jose HE, Host companies such as Denver HN have recently launched Hong Kong Shatin Telecom computer room products and provided a limited lifetime 50% off discount code.

Alibaba Cloud: Lightweight server 24 yuan/1GB/25GB/1TB (30M) Hong Kong/Singapore

Many friends are struggling to find cheap foreign VPS hosts. In fact, domestic major manufacturers Alibaba Cloud can consider it. For example, its lightweight application server, the minimum monthly payment starts at 24 yuan, optional In a computer room in Hong Kong or Singapore, a single-core 1G memory and 25GB hard drive provide 1TB monthly traffic, and the bandwidth starts at 30Mbps.

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