Many friends are struggling to find cheap foreign VPS hosts. In fact, domestic major manufacturers Alibaba Cloud can consider it. For example, its lightweight application server, the minimum monthly payment starts at 24 yuan, optional In a computer room in Hong Kong or Singapore, a single-core 1G memory and 25GB hard drive provide 1TB monthly traffic, and the bandwidth starts at 30Mbps. I have friends who use it to build websites, and the speed is not bad.

Share the configuration information of several lightweight application servers.

  • CPU:1core
  • Memory: 1GB
  • Hard drive: 25GB
  • Peak bandwidth: 30M
  • Traffic: 1TB
  • IP: 1 public IP
  • Price: 24 yuan/monthPurchase link
  • CPU:1core
  • Memory: 2GB
  • Hard drive: 50GB
  • Peak bandwidth: 30M
  • Traffic: 2TB
  • IP: 1 public IP
  • Price: 34 yuan/monthPurchase link
  • CPU: 2cores
  • Memory: 2GB
  • Hard drive: 80GB
  • Peak bandwidth: 30M
  • Traffic: 3TB
  • IP: 1 public IP
  • Price: 67 yuan/monthPurchase link

The price of lightweight application servers in Hong Kong and Singapore is the same, starting from a minimum of 24 yuan/month. The system image can be selected from various Linux distributions or Windows systems (the prices for Windows are different). Get a red envelope of up to 1888 yuan: Click to receive Regarding the application scenarios of lightweight application servers, the official writes: Instances of lightweight application servers are suitable for low-load, bursty applications such as small Web applications and lightweight applications. Hairstyle application scenarios. People are often afraid that it is unsafe to choose small businesses. Alibaba Cloud should have no worries in this regard.


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