GD domain name $1 latest December discount code

The recent VPS discounts are really not that good. If you look at the content of good VPS blogs, you will know that the quality has dropped a lot. However, domain name registrars have been busy during this period. From namecheap, to domain, and the GD bosses, they are all jumping off the building. Friends who are in the website group have picked it up, haha.
Entering December, GD’s 1-Sword Magic Code appears again, and it only costs US$1 to register multiple top-level domain names with suffixes in the first year.

GD’s latest domain name discount code com is only $1.69

I just saw a discount code for the GD domain name in the world. After using the discount code, the com domain name is only $1.69/year. Supports com and domain names, other suffixes, I have not tested it, you can test it yourself if needed.

[Discount code]TUBE
[Validity period]Unknown
[Payment method]Credit card payment

GD’s latest domain name discount code com is only $1.69

I just saw a discount code for the GD domain name in the world. After using the discount code, the com domain name is only $1.69/year. Supports com and domain names, other suffixes, I have not tested it, you can test it yourself if needed.

[Discount code]TUBE
[Validity period]Unknown
[Payment method]Credit card payment

Godaddy’s latest offer: info registration for $0.89 for the first year

I haven’t checked my domain name on Godaddy for a long time, because the info happened to be expired and deleted yesterday. Alas, it’s a pity that my free space was also OVER along with the domain name. However, I took a look at the cost page of GD domain name registration and found that the current GD info domain name registration is quite cheap, only $0.89 (there is also $0.18 required, the same below).

Subscribe to GD domain name discount code