godaddy has always been the domain name registrar of choice for webmasters traveling abroad. Of course, it often launches some very attractive discounts. According to the latest news, godaddy has launched the latest discount code for domain name registration. The following are the details of this discount:

Discount content: Register domain names such as COM, .US, .MOBI, .BIZ, .NET, .ORG, .CA, .CO.UK and .IN for only $1.29
Deadline: 20000 Registered user or 2011.6.16
Payment method: Credit card
Coupon code: indy129

This discount code is indeed effective. I have just tested it on a good VPS. It only costs $1.47* ($1.29+$0.18) to register a com domain name.
*GD needs to be added when registering a domain name. $0.18 fee.
Those who need to register a domain name, hurry up~~~You must use a credit card! Therefore, Good VPS does not accept proxy deposits, please understand!

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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