21CN Photo Album: Free 500MB photo album that can be externally linked

21CN has provided free photo album services for some time, but I have never paid attention to domestic resources. However, what is gratifying is that although 21CN did not clearly indicate that the album supports external links, it actually supports external links and has been stable for a long time.
21CN photo album introduction

Minus unlimited capacity free external link photo album

Minus is a newly launched free external link photo album. It is said to have started on October 13, 2010, but it has developed rapidly because Minus is really easy to use. You can upload pictures without registering as a member (single The size of the picture is within 7M (supports GIF, JPEG, PNG, APNG, BMP formats). Just drag your picture to the Minus web page and it will automatically start uploading.

Minus unlimited capacity free external link photo album

Minus is a newly launched free external link photo album. It is said to have started on October 13, 2010, but it has developed rapidly because Minus is really easy to use. You can upload pictures without registering as a member (single The size of the picture is within 7M (supports GIF, JPEG, PNG, APNG, BMP formats). Just drag your picture to the Minus web page and it will automatically start uploading.

21CN Photo Album: Free 500MB photo album that can be externally linked

21CN has provided free photo album services for some time, but I have never paid attention to domestic resources. However, what is gratifying is that although 21CN did not clearly indicate that the album supports external links, it actually supports external links and has been stable for a long time.
21CN photo album introduction

photobucket.com free 1G photo bed supports external links

PhotoBucket is an image, video, slideshow and photo sharing website. For us, the most important thing is to support external linking of pictures. It has been stably providing external linking services since 2003. Unlike many domestic photo album providers, perhaps After a while, the external link service became&*%¥#@Ooohaha~~
After July 2007, PhotoBucket was backed by a powerful media group. In addition to being a "picture bed", it also You can put videos on it. Free users have 1GB of space and 25GB of monthly traffic.

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