PhotoBucket is an image, video, slideshow and photo sharing website. For us, the most important thing is to support external linking of pictures. It has been stably providing external linking services since 2003. Unlike many domestic photo album providers, perhaps After a while, the external link service became&*%¥#@Ooohaha~~
After July 2007, PhotoBucket was backed by a powerful media group. In addition to being a "picture bed", it also You can put videos on it. Free users have 1GB of space and 25GB of monthly traffic.
On the Photobucket website, we can clearly see this set of data: the number of monthly unique visitors in the United States is approximately 20 million, and the number of monthly unique visitors worldwide exceeds 39 million; the most popular pictures in the United States Website; the third most popular entertainment/multimedia website in the United States; the seventh most popular entertainment/multimedia website in the world; ranked 29th in the United States and 45th globally in terms of website traffic; ranked 18th in the United States in terms of advertising website.
Registration address:
The registration process is quite simple, but good VPS needs to be reminded that after entering the verification code, click sign me up , a recommendation page comes out, don’t just click NEXT, ignore it directly, click no below, thanks. . . Then you will see the button to upload photos.
Regarding external links: When the mouse hovers over the picture you uploaded, the link address of the external link will appear.
External link demonstration:

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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