000space provides free 5.5G space and 200G monthly traffic

000space is a website that specializes in providing free space . All parameters of this space are very good. I just applied for one. It is very simple and easy to apply. I don’t know if it can run for a long time. It supports php scripts. ,
The space size is 5500M
The monthly traffic limit is 200G
50 mysql accounts

X10hosting capacity 1G monthly traffic 10GB free space

The parameters of ,CGI,Perl,Asp.net,python,ssi,FrontPage…
Upload method: FTP
Domain name binding: Supports binding top-level domain names, provides second-level domain names, unlimited domain extensions
Control Panel: Adopt CPanel control management panel
Advertising: No ads
More support: Softculous automatic installation, Fantastico automatic installation, supports 404 and 403 custom error pages, provides self-service website building services, and has more than 30 templates for you to choose from.

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