The free space provided by is almost as fast as the general commercial space . The space parameters are as follows:
Space size: 3G
Monthly traffic: no limit
FTP account: 10
EMAIL account: 10
MySQL database: unlimited, no size limit
Domain name binding : Unlimited, the space provides a second-level domain name
. Everyone should pay attention to this space. If you do not upload files within 14 days after application, they will be deleted. In addition, the size of a single file is limited to 8M, and it is managed using the CP panel. How? , generous enough! The best thing is that it supports custom .htaccess and allow_url_fopen functions, and it is also very fast. The only good thing is that there is a floating advertisement placed at the bottom of the space. However, everyone should also understand that it is not easy after all, with such a good space.
Application address: application is not troublesome. After submitting your account application, you will receive the email. Click the longest link in the email to verify your application. Soon you will receive an activation communication from, which contains domain name, IP address, username, password, cPanel host management panel address, DNS server, FTP address and other information.
The FTP address is your second-level domain name, and the web page files are transferred to the "/public_html/" directory.
MySQL database creation:
Log in to the cPanel management panel, click "MySQL Databases" to enter, enter the database name after "New Database:", and click the button behind to create the database. Then enter the user name and password under "Add New User" and click the button to create a database user. Under "Add User To Database" associate your database with the database user and grant full permissions. The MySQL server address is "localhost".
Bind a domain name and create a new website:
Enter "Addon Domains" and enter the domain name bound to the new website you want to create, the FTP user name of this website, the directory name where the web page files are stored, and the password, and then Click the button below to create a new website. Log in to FTP and you will find that the website directory you just created is added to /public_html/. Just enter this directory and transfer the web page files to this directory. Method for resolving domain names: Set the A record to resolve to the server IP or the alias to resolve to the free second-level domain name provided by
Bind the domain name to the original website:
Enter "Parked Domains", enter your domain name, and click the "Add Domain!" button to bind it to your free space . The method of resolving domain names is the same as above.'s cPanel management panel can also be set to the Chinese version, click "Change Language", select "chinese" after "Set Language to:", and click the button behind it. If you can't stand the English panel, change the language to Chinese in advance!
Final reminder: is very strange. HTML webpage files will be garbled, but PHP and CGI files will not. In addition, CGI must be placed in the cgi-bin directory! Remember!
This article comes from Free Resource If you want to know more free information, please go to search!

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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