Ranking of LEB’s best VPS hosting providers in the third quarter of 2014

The blog has been compiling the rankings of LEB in each quarter, which can be regarded as a guide for readers to purchase. The reader voting rankings for the third quarter of this year have been released for two days. I will take the time to forward them today. There is not much suspense in the recent rankings, and most of them are familiar to everyone. There haven’t been that many blog updates recently, haha, the reason was written two months ago. I personally suggest that instead of running around and wasting money, it’s better to file in China with peace of mind!

BuyVM: Free 5GB backup space

BuyVM has always been sought after by everyone, especially the $15 annual payment product. In fact, someone said a few days ago that BuyVM launched 5GB of free backup storage space. I didn’t order it until yesterday. I happened to have nothing to do today, so I will introduce it.

BuyVM: Free 5GB backup space

BuyVM has always been sought after by everyone, especially the $15 annual payment product. In fact, someone said a few days ago that BuyVM launched 5GB of free backup storage space. I didn’t order it until yesterday. I happened to have nothing to do today, so I will introduce it.

BuyVM: $3.5/month KVM-1GB/20GB/unlimited traffic/Las Vegas/support Alipay

BuyVM is a Canadian hosting company established in 2010. It is also considered an old business. It was probably most popular around 2011. At that time, many people were waiting to buy their San Jose VPS. However, the computer room was changed later, and the low-price strategy was not followed up in terms of price, so gradually I didn’t pay much attention to it.

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