BuyVM has always been sought after by everyone, especially the $15 annual payment product. In fact, someone said a few days ago that BuyVM launched 5GB of free backup storage space. I didn’t order it until yesterday. I happened to have nothing to do today, so I will introduce it.
First of all, it must be stated that not everyone can buy this free space. You must at least have a VPS in BuyVM. This space is not for you to build a website. Its main purpose The function is to provide you with backup.
[Order address]
Just like other hosting orders, you also You need to specify a domain name for this space, but you can easily use the third-level domain name provided by BuyVM, such as: I've put a default page on it now, so it's fine for now.
Look at the default file of the space. This space should be the cPanel space, but the management panel has been changed beyond recognition by BuyVM. It only has a few simple functions. As shown in the picture:
After all, it is provided for free. It is really good for occasional emergency backup. Friends who have a VPS at BuyVM can get one. It cannot be used immediately after ordering. , I waited for about an hour and then it was OK to check. Of course, the mailbox can also receive emails, including IP address, user, password and other information.

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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