BlueVM: $2.99/month OpenVZ-512MB/25GB/1TB Los Angeles

BlueVM is a foreign VPS hosting provider registered in 2011. The boss has some skills, and at least he has written a panel, which is pretty good to use... However, having skills is not necessarily a good thing, and I have always thought that he is a A foreign IDC that loves to mess around. I digress. I received a promotional email from them the day before yesterday. The minimum price is US$9.95/year (but I tried it today and it is out of stock).

BlueVM: $2.5/month KVM-256MB/10GB/500GB New York

BlueVM is a foreign VPS hosting provider that appears frequently in the good VPS tribe. The reason is quite simple: price. However, I personally think that Good VPS is also a troublemaker, which is evident from the continuous data center migration from the end of last year to the beginning of this year. It's just okay, after all, he didn't run away, and I guess the risk is pretty low (please note that I didn't define him, it's just my personal opinion).

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