BlueVM is a foreign VPS hosting provider that appears frequently in the good VPS tribe. The reason is quite simple: price. However, I personally think that Good VPS is also a troublemaker, which is evident from the continuous data center migration from the end of last year to the beginning of this year. It's just okay, after all, he didn't run away, and I guess the risk is pretty low (please note that I didn't define him, it's just my personal opinion). Recently, BlueVM launched the KVM architecture product in the New York data center. The minimum price is only $2.5 per month. In its own words, it is sold at the price of OpenVZ. KVM.

Well, let’s take a look at the configuration information of this $2.5 KVM product.

CPU: 1 cores
Memory: 256MB
Hard drive: 10 GB
Monthly traffic: 500GB
1 IP/SolusVM

Test IP:
Click to go to the hosting provider’s official website→
This time the KVM product of New YorkBuffalo is a bit awesome, using dual E5-2620, 128GB memory, four 2TB disk groups RAID10, plus two 120G SSDs for cache, and the IO is expected to be good. The boss specifically said in LET that the first batch is New York , followed by Atlanta and Dallas, and finally all their data centers will be equipped with KVM. If you buy it now, you can also change data centers later. etc.

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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