Alibaba Cloud: Lightweight server 24 yuan/1GB/25GB/1TB (30M) Hong Kong/Singapore

Many friends are struggling to find cheap foreign VPS hosts. In fact, domestic major manufacturers Alibaba Cloud can consider it. For example, its lightweight application server, the minimum monthly payment starts at 24 yuan, optional In a computer room in Hong Kong or Singapore, a single-core 1G memory and 25GB hard drive provide 1TB monthly traffic, and the bandwidth starts at 30Mbps.

Alibaba Cloud Hi Group-domestic cloud server starts at 99 yuan per year/Hong Kong T5 starts at 719 yuan for three years

Since the middle of the year, there have been many preferential activities by major domestic cloud server manufacturers, such as the <Tencent Cloud flash sale activity> that we followed up, Alibaba Cloud also has similar activities, starting from September From the 6th to March next year, new users can purchase cloud servers directly or in groups through the event.

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