Alibaba Cloud December: Domestic cloud server annual payment starts from 89 yuan for three years from 229 yuan

As the end of the year approaches, the promotional activities of major cloud server merchants are still in full swing. Alibaba Cloud New and old users of Cloud Station can enjoy discounts. The event period is from December 3 to On December 31st, participating products include cloud servers, MySQL databases, SMS packages, etc., among which new users have discounts of up to 10% off.

Alibaba Cloud new user cloud server 99 yuan/year & 279 yuan/3 years

At the beginning of this month, the blog shared Tencent Cloud’s group buying activity. One-year cloud server can be purchased for 120 yuan for up to 3 years for only 360 yuan. Now Alibaba Cloud has also followed up with the activity. The configuration of the machine is the same as that of Tencent Cloud, and the price is lower. If you have a need for domestic hosts, you can consider it.

Alibaba Cloud lightweight server starts at 24 yuan/1GB/25GB/1TB (30M) available in Hong Kong

Alibaba Cloud is considered a major domestic company. It currently provides lightweight cloud servers, with monthly payments starting from as low as 24 yuan. Hong Kong computer rooms are optional, with a single-core 1G memory and 25GB hard drive providing 1TB monthly traffic. The peak bandwidth is 30Mbps. This bandwidth and price are really awesome.

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