In the past two days, many friends have talked about Alibaba Cloud. In fact, I started making cloud servers from Alibaba Cloud (which is the same thing as what we often call VPS, but the name is a bit more advanced). I have used it before and played it several times, but I have never made a serious introduction. Maybe the main reason is the filing issue. In fact, if you think about it seriously, if you build a website honestly and without any illegal content, using Alibaba Cloud is also a very good choice.
Alibaba Cloud offers flexible billing. You can add all resources, including memory, number of CPU cores, data disks, bandwidth, etc. The minimum basic configuration is 69 yuan per month.

CPU: 1 cores
Memory; 512MB
SWAP: Not configured by default. Add it by yourself (Tutorial)
Hard disk: 20 GB
Monthly traffic: No limit to 1M
1 IP (Optional Qingdao or Hangzhou node)

Click to go to the Alibaba Cloud official website→
Because it is a domestic machine or a BGP multi-line, this test IP does not make much sense. I tried it, and the average ping value of China Telecom was 26ms, and the average ping value of China Unicom was 26ms. 45ms, and the average mobile ping is 23ms. There is nothing to say. What everyone is most concerned about is actually the bandwidth issue. Regarding this 1M, what is the concept? In fact, this 1M refers to outbound, which is the maximum bandwidth for downloading files on the cloud server. There is no such low limit for inbound.
The above picture is a screenshot of my test of downloading the United States and China (QQ2013) from Alibaba Cloud. Both are about 2M/s. For outbound, I download the files from Alibaba Cloud locally. Basically Stable 1M bandwidth. How much outbound bandwidth can be used? I find it completely stress-free to run a WordPress blog with 2,000 IPs per day and all images locally.
Alibaba Cloud needs to be registered before use. It assists in the registration process for free. There is also a 15-day registration time guarantee, so it is not difficult to pass. At present, Alibaba Cloud provides some discounts for new customers, such as vouchers. Currently, there is a 68 yuan voucher. Many people on Taobao offer this voucher. It is equal to +1 yuan and you can experience it for a month. Experience Once you are satisfied, you can decide whether to continue using it. It is very convenient, and the domestic BGP multi-line price of 69 yuan is also very cheap.

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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