[Double Eleven] There is only 1 day left in the Alibaba Cloud group buying event/Dual core/8G memory/5M 2070 yuan for three years

Alibaba Cloud ’s Double Eleven group shopping event will end on November 12. There are still some relatively value-for-money machines, such as a dual-core CPU, 8G memory, and 5M bandwidth. The cloud server group purchase starts at only 2,070 yuan/three years, and the single-core T5 instance with 2G memory and 1M bandwidth is still 298.5 yuan for three years. It is an entry-level choice.

Alibaba Cloud group-joining entry-level cloud server is 527 yuan/3 years with ten regions available

Alibaba CloudThere is no need to go into details about the brand. We also call it Routine Cloud, which is a variety of routine promotions, but the price is still relatively affordable. For example, the new group buying activity we are doing now, The minimum price for buying an entry-level cloud server in a group is 527 yuan for three years.

[11.11] Alibaba Cloud Group Cloud Server starts from 99.5 yuan/year

The annual Double Eleven carnival is coming soon, and the war has spread from the original Taobao to all aspects of the Internet and offline. During this period, domestic server merchants have also tried their best to attract customers with various tricks, such as Alibaba Cloud (also known as Taolu Cloud) still follows the old rules. It is exclusive for newcomers.

Alibaba Cloud: Lightweight server 24 yuan/1GB/25GB/1TB (30M) Hong Kong/Singapore

Many friends are struggling to find cheap foreign VPS hosts. In fact, domestic major manufacturers Alibaba Cloud can consider it. For example, its lightweight application server, the minimum monthly payment starts at 24 yuan, optional In a computer room in Hong Kong or Singapore, a single-core 1G memory and 25GB hard drive provide 1TB monthly traffic, and the bandwidth starts at 30Mbps.

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