CentOS6.0 released CentOS6.0 map

We often buy Linux VPS, so we should be familiar with CentOS. CentOS is an enterprise-level Linux distribution derived from free and open source code from upstream operating system providers. CentOS fully complies with the upstream vendor's redistribution policy and aims for 100% software compatibility.

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Good VPS has built several small sites, but it has never been noticed by google. Of course, it may be that the perseverance is not enough, haha. Except for one Hubei forum that is not 0, the others have basically not broken through yet.

3 Tencent Weibo invitation codes on May 6

Today is May 6th. I heard the news about another earthquake in Chile in the morning. I am really disappointed. The earth has really been adjusted to the vibration mode. It seems that the idea that the earth has entered a disaster-prone era is still reliable. I have always been optimistic about it. The Bricks are not very cold, they are always like pigs beforehand and think wisely after the fact.

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