ILLYHosting: €1/first month KVM-1GB/20GB/5TB/Kosovo

According to the whois information query ILLYHosting domain name registration has been since 2017. According to the self-report, it is a local hosting company in Kosovo, self-operated data center, providing VPS, independent servers and other network peripheral products. I am relatively unfamiliar with this merchant, so I share his information for two reasons: 1.

GorillaServers: Dedicated server starting from $32, E3-1270v2/16GB/1TB/30TB/Utah computer room

GorillaServers is a foreign business established in 2011. It is run by one of the owners of the WebNX computer room. Currently, it mainly provides independent server rental services. There are two optional data centers: Los Angeles and Utah. The recently promoted machines are in the Utah area. Most of them, the latest merchants in WHT's promotion plan start at a minimum of US$32 per month, the configuration is not low, and they also support upgrading the hard disk or memory, or the number of IPs, etc.

IMIDC: $48/year KVM-512MB/20GB/500GB/Hong Kong & Taiwan CN2 & Japan and other computer rooms

IMIDC shared it once at the beginning of this month. Many readers of his Hong Kong or Taiwan CN2 monthly payment of $50 independent server have also tried it. However, for more ordinary users, independent servers are still a bit luxurious. Those who want to experience it can also try the merchants. The VPS hosts provided are available in Hong Kong/Taiwan/Japan/South Africa and other data centers, and you can enjoy a 50% discount with a minimum annual payment starting from US$48. In terms of bandwidth, it is relatively large among similar data centers. Of course, you have to use Hong Kong.

My opinion on China’s 3G - Literacy

3G has been launched in our country for some time. Looking back, it should have started in the 2008 Olympics. At that time, the first thing to start was the TD network operated by China Mobile. Today, it has been almost 2 years. But I found that 3G still has a long way to go in China.