Youshang Data is a Chinese VPS hosting provider that provides VPS products based on XEN architecture. Data centers include Phoenix, Virginia, etc. Recently, Youshang Data launched a new Los Angeles webnx computer room and provided a lifetime discount of 40% off.
Youshang data: ¥58 yuan XEN-256M/10G/300G Los Angeles webnx
Youshang Data is a Chinese VPS hosting provider that provides VPS products based on XEN architecture. Data centers include Phoenix, Virginia, etc. Recently, Youshang Data launched a new Los Angeles webnx computer room and provided a lifetime discount of 40% off.
[6.1 Discount] Youshang Data: ¥99 Yuan XEN-1GB/20G/1500G Phoenix AZ
Youshang Data is a Chinese VPS hosting provider, providing VPS products based on XEN architecture. Data centers include Los Angeles webnx, Phoenix SS, AZ, Seattle, Virginia, etc.