HostingInside: $14.5/monthXEN-512MB/20GB/500GB Taiwan

The blog shared that there are not many VPSs in Taiwan. I heard that the IDC business in Taiwan is not very popular, so there are not many. The only one I have written about before seems to be Hostitek opened by Taiwanese. I have used a good VPS for a while. After all, the geographical location advantage is there. Look, the speed is really good. The HostingInside I shared today is an American product that I have introduced several times. In fact, this is a Chinese VPS hosting provider, and it has always provided Taiwanese VPS products.

Maxthon Hosting: 20% off all VPSs/30% off VPSs in Osaka, Japan

Maxthon Host is a foreign VPS hosting provider established in 2010. It is led by Shy Brother, who studied and settled in Australia, Gu Yu, a master of IT from National Taiwan University, and a well-known leader of the hosting forum. Invested and established by the company, the company is registered in Australia and the United States.

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