VPSYOU: 42 yuan XEN-360MB/15GB/250GB Los Angeles

VPSYOU is a well-established VPS service provider in China. It has always taken the high-price and stable route and provides VPS products based on the XEN architecture, with optional Linux or Windows packages (different systems have different prices for different hens) , data centers include Los Angeles, San Jose and Las Vegas.

Summary of some IDC discount information in December

December is coming to the end of the year. Christmas is also celebrated in this month for Americans. In addition, there are also doomsday gimmicks this year, so all kinds of things are awesome. Currently, I have also received some discount information from host companies, as well as some new IDC emails. I will make one here. Collect, organize and publish, in no particular order, based on the order in which messages are received.

Summary of some IDC discount information in December

December is coming to the end of the year. Christmas is also celebrated in this month for Americans. In addition, there are also doomsday gimmicks this year, so all kinds of things are awesome. Currently, I have also received some discount information from host companies, as well as some new IDC emails. I will make one here. Collect, organize and publish, in no particular order, based on the order in which messages are received.

VPSYOU: 42 yuan XEN-360MB/15GB/250GB Los Angeles

VPSYOU is a well-established VPS service provider in China. It has always taken the high-price and stable route and provides VPS products based on the XEN architecture, with optional Linux or Windows packages (different systems have different prices for different hens) , data centers include Los Angeles, San Jose and Las Vegas.

VPSYOU: 42 yuan XEN-360MB/15GB/250GB Los Angeles

VPSYOU is a well-established VPS service provider in China. It has always taken the high-price and stable route and provides VPS products based on the XEN architecture, with optional Linux or Windows packages (different systems have different prices for different hens) , data centers include Los Angeles, San Jose and Las Vegas.

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