netorigin $3.98/month256MB/512MB/50GB/200GB VPS simple test

The day before yesterday, Hao VPS introduced netorigin. This domain name comes from Australia's IDC, because they launched a 50% discount code the day before yesterday, and it is a lifetime discount, and the renewal price is the same (but unfortunately, this discount code will be released in the next few years) It will expire after an hour! ), so the original price of $7.95/month becomes $3.98/month, which is pretty good. $25/year 128MB/256MB/15GB/100GB is an American hosting provider. The company (hey, I don’t know if it’s one man~) was established in June 2010, one year ago. The only products provided by the website are VPS, which seems to be very professional. The boss’s blog is also posted. I went in and took a look and found that he is a technical person. This reinforced my suspicion of being a one man.

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