Ramnode will get 50% off when recharging/Billed by the hour/Supports Alipay and WeChat/OpenVZ monthly payment starts from US$3.5

Last month, we shared the news that Ramnode has launched OpenStack cloud host. This month, merchants are offering 50% of the balance as a recharge for this cloud host platform. For example, if you recharge 20 knives, you will get 30 knives in total (10 knives of which are free). Supports recharge using Alipay or WeChat.

INIZ: $10.4/year OpenVZ-128MB/25GB/500GB Seattle & Dallas

INIZ is also a foreign VPS hosting provider that was established relatively early. It used the name StormVZ before, and now it also has the domain name openvz.io. The domain name shared in today’s title is listed under this domain name. products, but the membership center is managed on the main site.

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