The simplest way to add a message board in WordPress

On the Internet I saw that many friends’ blogs have message boards. I also want to get one for a good VPS. I have seen many plug-ins for message boards. I personally think it is not good to use plug-ins. In fact, it is the simplest The best way is to use the comments that come with WordPress to modify a message board. The specific operation method is as follows:
1. Find the Single.php file in the theme, copy and rename it to guestbook.php.

Summary of commonly used search engine commands for webmasters

To build a small website, you need to explore many things. Now I have compiled some special instructions for the major search engines. A good VPS is also a common instruction compiled by Baidu and Google. I have recorded it now and hope to make it for you. Friends who play in small stations can be a little helpful.

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