Hostigation: $20/year OpenVZ-128MB/256MB/10GB/500GB Los Angeles

Hostigation is an American VPS hosting provider that has been providing hosting, VPS and server products since 2006. Its predecessor has even been involved in Internet products and services as far back as 1999. Qualifications are important, but products are even more important. So far, Hostigation has received good reviews from users, and the access speed in China is also pretty good.

BuyVM: $3.5/month OpenVZ-256MB/512MB/30GB/1TB San Jose & New York

BuyVM is a foreign VPS hosting provider that Chinese people love and hate. They love it for its price and performance, but hate its strict terms. In fact, friends who are serious about building websites and are willing to abide by the rules will love it more than they hate it. , I still have 2 annual payments for a good VPS, which is always good.

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