DirectSpace: $10/month KVM-512MB/20G SSD/1TB/2IP Portland

There has been no news about DirectSpace for a long time, mainly because he has not sent out any discount codes or new packages. In fact, in the past time, DirectSpace has made quite a few moves. First of all, the official has removed all HDD disk machines from the shelves, and all currently on sale are pure SSD disk packages; in addition, the host provider has changed the original windows VPS series to the KVM series, making the classification clearer.

RHServices: $3/month OpenVZ-512MB/100GB/1000GB Baltimore

If you want a larger hard drive, you can read this article. RHServices is the abbreviation of reliablehostingservices. It was established in 2008. Good VPS Tribe also introduced it once in April this year, but the discount code has long expired. At present, The host provider once again provides a 30% discount code. A 100GB disk package is only $3 per month after discount, which is relatively cheap for backup.

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