Solution to nginx not running automatically after LNMP restarts the system

The environment under my commonly used Linux system is basically Junge's lnmp one-click package, and problems rarely occur. However, today I encountered a case where lnmp was installed without any problems, but after restarting the system, the IP default page and probe could not be accessed. , logged in to the system and found that nginx did not run automatically. The operating system and kernel are as follows:

Solution to nginx not running automatically after LNMP restarts the system

The environment under my commonly used Linux system is basically Junge's lnmp one-click package, and problems rarely occur. However, today I encountered a case where lnmp was installed without any problems, but after restarting the system, the IP default page and probe could not be accessed. , logged in to the system and found that nginx did not run automatically. The operating system and kernel are as follows:

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