LOCVPS has sent new product promotion information for July. In order to expand its business in Europe, it has launched a new Dutch computer room CN2 line KVM architecture host, and provides a 30% off discount code for new products. After the discount, the Dutch host 2G memory package starts at only 49 yuan per month.
20% off on Maxthon consoles, Dutch CN2 online, two-way CN2 GIA line
Maxthon Host has also been continuously expanding its product data center in recent years. Its VPS based on KVM and XEN architecture has provided services in Hong Kong, China, the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, South Korea, Japan, and Singapore.
LOCVPS newly launches Dutch CN2 line KVM with a 30% discount, and all other computer rooms have a 20% discount
LOCVPS has sent new product promotion information for July. In order to expand its business in Europe, it has launched a new Dutch computer room CN2 line KVM architecture host, and provides a 30% off discount code for new products. After the discount, the Dutch host 2G memory package starts at only 49 yuan per month.