VPSYOU: 42 yuan XEN-180MB/15GB/250GB Los Angeles PR

VPSYOU is a well-established Chinese VPS hosting provider. It was founded in 2009 and provides VPS products based on the XEN architecture. The data centers include Los Angeles, San Jose, Las Vegas, etc. (including San Jose It is OpenVZ architecture, out of stock), and the domestic access speed is excellent.

ServerSavior: $1.77/month OpenVZ-128MB/256MB/15GB/500GB Los Angeles PR

ServerSavior is a very new hosting provider. About a month ago, the hosting provider released information about cheap independent servers on WHT, but even the cheapest independent servers cost dozens of dollars. Today, Good VPS saw that the hosting provider released a lifetime 40% discount on VPS products on WHT, and supports monthly payment, with a minimum of only US$1.77/month (

Hostigation: $30/year KVM-128MB/10GB/500GB Los Angeles PR

Hostigation is a foreign VPS hosting provider, and it is also one of the foreign VPS hosting providers that appears more frequently in the good VPS community. The reason is very simple: first, it is an established foreign VPS hosting provider; second, whether it is OpenVZ or KVM, its price is appropriate; third, I personally think this is a reliable VPS hosting provider.

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