KVM.LA: RMB 49 XEN-512MB/30GB/500GB Los Angeles WebNX

KVM.LA is a Chinese VPS hosting provider that has been providing VPS products based on XEN virtualization technology. The data centers include Phoenix, Los Angeles, etc., with fast domestic access. Previously, I introduced KVM.LA’s Christmas discount package, as well as last week’s mini package, both of which have good value for money.

KVM.LA: RMB 49 XEN-512MB/30GB/500GB Los Angeles WebNX

KVM.LA is a Chinese VPS hosting provider that has been providing VPS products based on XEN virtualization technology. The data centers include Phoenix, Los Angeles, etc., with fast domestic access. Previously, I introduced KVM.LA’s Christmas discount package, as well as last week’s mini package, both of which have good value for money.

KVM.LA: ¥120 XEN free DA-1GB/45GB/600GB Los Angeles

KVM.LA is a Chinese VPS hosting provider, providing VPS products based on XEN PV, HVM, and KVM architecture. Some time ago, they just held an event where you can buy a DA and get a VPS for free. It seems that they didn’t think it was enough. Good VPS just saw the official news. This time, they took a different approach and came up with the offer of buying a VPS and getting a DA...

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