LOCVPS: 75 yuan XEN Hong Kong-512MB/30GB/1M unlimited

LOCVPS is a Chinese VPS hosting provider that was established earlier. It started out as a virtual hosting business and later gradually developed into a comprehensive IDC that provides a full range of products including hosting, VPS and servers. The VPS provided by the host provider is based on the Last week, some readers reported that all LOCVPS Hong Kong packages were sold out. However, I recently received an email from the hosting provider.

80VPS: 65 yuan XEN-1GB/30GB/1TB/2IP Los Angeles

80VPS is a Chinese VPS hosting provider. It is also one of the VPS hosting providers that currently sells the most overseas VPS computer rooms. Its products are basically distributed in all the popular computer rooms in the United States. It also sells Hong Kong, Korean and domestic products. .

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