VPS2EZ: 58 yuan Hong Kong XEN-1GB/20G SSD/1M unlimited

VPS2EZ is a long-established Chinese VPS host provider established in 2008. It and the old host provider Host2ez are different sub-brands of the same parent company and are independently operated by different teams. They provide services based on the XEN architecture.

DMIT exclusive instance (Dedicated Instance) annual payment of 22% off/Platinum VM series replenishment/KVM architecture/Hong Kong large bandwidth

Received an email from DMIT, indicating that customers who purchase Dedicated Instance series products before July 1st can enjoy a 22% discount (previously the default was 10% off, now use the discount code to get an additional 20% off) ), this series is a relatively independent hardware resource. The Hong Kong computer room provides at least 3 independent IPs and a minimum bandwidth of 20M. There is no limit on traffic.

DiyVM: 69 yuan/XEN/2G memory/50G hard drive/2M bandwidth/Hong Kong CN2 line

DiyVM is a Chinese VPS hosting provider that has been established for more than 10 years (started in 2009). It mainly provides cloud servers, CDN and independent servers in Hong Kong, Los Angeles and other regions, etc. for merchants. There are relatively few data centers, but both areas have CN2 lines, and domestic access speeds are good.

[Summary information] Duoke Network/Jinbao IDC

I have received several Chinese IDC discount information emails, and I have specially summarized the information for your convenience. This article will be continuously updated this month. Listed in no particular order, in order of email.

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